Thursday, March 11, 2010

"What in the world is 'oleo', Granny?"'

Years ago, while, I mean, looking through my Granny's (this would be Liv's great, great grandma on my Dad's maternal side) things I came across a recipe calling for "oleo".  Being the, inquisitive, child that I was, I quickly went looking for the answer to what this silly word meant.  I still remember my Granny chuckling at me & saying, "Oh, it's like butter. You can't find it much anymore, but butter will do basically the same thing."  So, if your recipe calls for oleo, use butter.  That's just one of MANY things I learned from my Granny. 

While looking through some old recipes today I found a recipe for Persimmon Pudding that was my great, great Grandma Boyd's (Granny's mom, Liv's great, great, great grandma).  I never knew Grandma Boyd, but have blessed enough to have been given her very first set of housekeepin' dishes.  Talk about a real treasure!!  Anyway, I don't care for persimmon pudding, but it is one of Liv's favorites.  I'll have to admit, I have never made this recipe myself, but for the sake of preserving the use & meaning of "oleo" I'm going to include it here. 

Mamaw Boyd's Persimmon Pudding

1 ½ cup persimmon
2 cups sugar
1 egg
1 stick oleo ( ½ cup)
1 1/1 cups sweet milk
2 tsp. baking powder
½ cup flour
cinnamon and allspice

Bake 1 hour at 300°

As was customary with old recipes, I guess you have to just figure out how to put it together & how much cinnamon & allspice you want to use.  Gotta love those old ladies & their pinches & smidgens! 

1 comment:

  1. Persimmon Puddin'! My favorite. Love the pic (and the story). Grandmas are the best!
